Anger comes from fear

All anger comes from the fear that you're not loved enough. This is the meaning of the Cain and Abel story. Cain is afraid that there is not enough love to go around. He sees that Abel is the object of God’s love in a particular moment and he becomes scared that God doesn’t have enough love for both he and his brother. His fear gives rise to anger, and in a fit of fear-birthed anger he kills his brother.

The good news is that love crowds out anger. When I accept the infinity of God’s love then there is no more available room for anger in my heart. If I am angry I need love.

I am not saying, “Don’t be angry.” Anger is a perfectly natural, God-given emotion. Emotions are helpful messengers which arise within you to give you a message about what’s going on in your life. This is a truly brilliant aspect of the human operating system!

What I am suggesting is that the messenger Anger is most often coming to tell us that we’re experiencing a deficit of love. Instead of lashing out, look for love. Anger dissolves in love.


The gift of joy


Three outlandish things