Lift up your voice to God.


"Music is vital to our community. When we sing during worship, it is our way of offering prayers and praise to God. I invite you to worship with us and to lift your voice to God in praise and thanksgiving."

-Dr. Mattilda Kay Middleton



  • Friday, March 14, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

    166 Market Street. 

    You are invited to a night of music, dinner, and murder! 

    Scene: The famed singing trio, the Monroe Sisters, perform in a private concert for their adoring home town fans before embarking on their farewell tour. Alas, one of the sisters is targeted for murder! 

    This choir fundraiser is generously sponsored by George Snider–owner of the interactive murder mystery troop, Murder and Merriment–and chef de cuisine Winn Stephens.

  • Starting January 12!

    Meet us at the Chancel (where the Choir sits) after the 10am service to learn about how to read music! All are welcome!

  • ChoristersGrades 2-12

    Choristers will have two weekly opportunities to rehearse and study.

    Sundays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    Resumes January 5, 2025

    Location: Youth Suite

    Subjects: Singing, Games, EYC Worship

    Wednesdays, 4:45 to 6:00 p.m.

    Starting January 8, 2025.

    Location: Choir Room

    Subjects: Music Theory, Singing, Evensong


    Starting January 5, 2025.

    Middle School│3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    High School│4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

    Location: Youth Suite

  • The Good Shepherd Choir is making a recording to help raise money for our pilgrimage to England and we need your help! Can you sponsor your favorite hymn or anthem? (Suggested donation $250) Can you purchase the access rights online or order a CD? (Suggested donation $25). Choose from some of these favorites, or something else.

    • Be thou my vision

    • Come, thou fount of every blessing

    • For all the saints

    • Hark! the herald angels sing

    • Holy, holy, holy

    • In Christ there is no East or West

    • Jesus Christ is risen today

    • Joyful, joyful, we adore thee

    • Let us break bread together

    • Lift high the cross

    • Morning has broken

    • O God, our help in ages past

    • Praise to the Lord, the almighty

    • O come, O come, Emmanuel

    • Silent night, holy night

    • Were you there?

    To request a hymn, write the name of the hymn on the memo line of your check, call the church office at 859-252-1744, or email

    Special thanks to Stoll Vaughan for making this recording possible.

  • Come join us for Biblical songs and sung prayers in the worship space. Please enter through the Bell Tower Doors (facing E. Main Street).

    This is a weekly event.

  • The Good Shepherd Choir applied and was granted a one-week choral residency at Wells Cathedral in England for July 18-28, 2025. Wells has one of the oldest and most respected choral foundations in England, so it is a great honor that our application and recording were approved. While in England, our choir will sing for daily services in place of the Wells choirs who will be away for a summer break.

    Our choir will also sing three Sunday services at the Church of St. Mary Redcliffe in Bristol, one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in Europe. Our choir director, Mattilda, was the Organ Scholar at St. Mary Redcliffe, and at the nearby Bristol Cathedral, exactly twenty years ago.

The Choirs

The Good Shepherd offers several Choirs differing in commitment levels. Throughout the year, our choirs sing every Sunday morning at the 10am Holy Eucharist, at Diocesan Music Events, Lessons and Carols, and other special music events throughout the year. 

  • This choir’s only weekly obligation is Sunday mornings beginning at 9am.

  • This choir sings for funeral services.

  • This group meets weekly on Wednesdays, from 6:30-8:30pm, and sings on Sunday mornings at 10am.

  • Open to 3rd-5th grade Students. This group rehearses either:

    Sundays from 3:30-4:30pm

    Wednesdays 4:45-6:00pm

  • Open to Middle School Students. This group rehearses either:

    Sundays from 3:30-4:30pm

    Wednesdays 4:45-6:00pm

  • Open to Middle and High School Instrumentalists.

    Middle School rehearses on Sundays from 3:30-4:30pm in the Youth Suite.

    High School rehearses on Sundays from 4:30-5:30pm in the Choir room.

    Click here for EYC (Youth Group) Opportunities!

Good Shepherd

Music School

We believe that sacred music is a valuable resource for spiritual growth and that it should be accessible to everyone.

Good Shepherd Music School integrates music education into existing church activities like the Nursery, Children’s Chapel, EYC (Episcopal Youth Community), and continuing education for adults. Choral and instrumental ensembles are open to youth and adults, from beginner to advanced.

Music Staff

Dr. Mattilda Kay Middleton│Organist and Choir Director

Alicia Helm McCorveyArtist-in-Residence

Dr. Scott Roberts│Organ Scholar

Dr. Chris Leverenz│Music Teacher

Kay’mon Murrah│Music Teacher

Justin Felix│Music Teacher

"Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing."

Psalm 100:1