Children + Families
"He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'" Matthew 18:2-5
Here at Good Shepherd, our Children’s Ministry mission is to share the stories and songs of our faith.
We offer many different opportunities for you and your family to join us on your spiritual journey! Keep scrolling to learn more.
Click Here to see our upcoming events and announcements.
To stay updated with all current and upcoming events and opportunities, join our ‘Group’ below!
Overview of Opportunities
Faith Stories, Family Stories
Children and parents participate together Sunday mornings at 9am to learn the stories of our faith! Families explore the connections between their unique stories and the stories of our faith through the Godly Play contemplative practice. Parents are welcome to stay or drop off their children.
Children's Chapel
During the 10am Service, children playfully explore the stories of our faith using the Godly Play contemplative practice.
Children ages newborn to three years learn about God’s amazing love through music, story, and play in our nursery.
The Nursery opens at 7:45am and closes at 11:30am.
After the 10am service, there will be time to learn simple songs and activities with your child in the nursery space.
Guild of the Christ Child
This is a ministry for expectant and postpartum families. The members of the guild walk alongside the expectant family during their pregnancy and postpartum transition, offering prayer and practical support if needed. There are 4 stages of support for your parenting journey.
Junior&Senior Choristers
This music group is directed by Dr. Mattilda Middleton, and assisted by music teacher, Justin Felix.
Junior Choristers│ 3rd-5th Grades
Senior Choristers│ 6th-8th Grades
Both these groups rehearse in the Youth Suite on Sundays from 3:30-4:30pm.
Godly Play
The Godly Play® method is a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—Scripture and spiritual experience. Godly Play practice teaches us to hear what God is saying and then to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives.
Upcoming Events & Announcemets
Life Events
The Sacrament of Baptism
Click the link below to learn more about Baptism and how to become baptized!
Guild of the Christ Child
This is a ministry for expectant and postpartum families. The members of the guild walk alongside the expectant family during their pregnancy and postpartum transition, offering prayer and practical support if needed. There are 4 stages of support for your parenting journey.
Exploring the spirituality of children: God’s way of being with children and children’s way of being with God. How can we cultivate spaces where the spirituality of our children flourishes and where we adults learn from children about the kingdom of God?
Learn about ways we can more deeply nurture the spiritual lives of our children. Church is a unique intergenerational organization where we are connected to one another through faith and love. The children truly belong to all of us and we to them!
Our Theologian-in-Residence has put together a Parent Resource list. Click below to view it.
CLICK HERE to Check it Out!
The Reverend Cynthia Insko will join our team as our new Theologian-in-Residence for Children and Families. Cynthia’s time with us will extend from Lent to Christmas. She will work closely with Patty Webb as we learn more about the spiritual lives of children, how we can create an environment that cultivates the faith formation of our children and their families, and how being with children can enrich our own spiritual journeys.
Click Here to Read ‘Wonderings’
The final promise of our Baptismal Covenant urges us to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.” In the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, we live into that promise by creating environments in our congregations, schools, and institutions that are free of all types of abuse, exploitation, and harassment. Toward that end, all staff and other adults who work with children and youth are required to complete an abuse prevention training program designed for the Episcopal Church called Safeguarding God’s Children, complete a background check, provide references, and be re-certified every three years.
Click Here if you would like to get trained
Click Here for Resources
Parents, consider joining a small group! It is an opportunity to engage in fellowship, explore your faith, and connect with God and each other.
Click Here to Learn More
Click Here to find our Photo Release Form.