Worship With Us
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them" Matthew 18:20
All are Welcome
All are Welcome to worship within the walls of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd!
We are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington and worldwide Anglican Communion.
All services follow the Book of Common Prayer and the Revised Common Lectionary, with sermons by our clergy. Our Sunday schedule provides an opportunity to worship using a variety of rites and styles in the Episcopal tradition.
Worship Times
Sunday Services
Join us for Holy Eucharist with traditional language and spoken word.
Join us for a celebration of Holy Eucharist with contemporary language and robust musical offerings from our organ, choir, and guest musicians.
Our Nursery is open from 7:45-11:30am on Sunday mornings. Our Nursery workers are First Aid and CPR Certified.
We also offer Children's Chapel for all children. At the beginning of the service, they are asked to come forward for a prayer before following their adult leaders to our classrooms upstairs.
Join us for a celebration of Holy Eucharist with contemporary language and music offerings of organ and hymns.
Wednesday Healing Service
Our Noon Wednesday Eucharist is a healing service, and when we say,”come as you are” we mean it: come with your whole self, dip your toe into church a little bit, have a moment of respite from all the things. Whatever you bring is welcome.
We are a collection of long term members, newcomers and visitors. We gather to pray for our own healing and the healing of others and our world. You can share as much or as little as you like, you can come forward for healing or keep your concerns to yourself. We share the prayers but no one is asked to do anything but rest in God’s love. Everyone who is there is really happy to be there and very happy to see new people.
We are practicing beginning with about five minutes of silence and it’s fine to come in during that time. We are usually on our way by 12:45. All of this is our attempt to be hospitable to people who have a defined lunch break.
Wednesday Evensong
Come join us for Biblical songs and sung prayers in the worship space. Please enter through the Bell Tower Doors (facing E. Main Street).
Evensong will NOT be held on Wednesday, December 25.
Ash Wednesday (March 5)
On Ash Wednesday we have 3 services at Good Shepherd. 7:00 AM, Noon, and 7PM.
Traditionally, The Imposition of Ashes consists of the priest tracing the sign of the cross on your forehead and quoting the scripture which says, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” This is a manual act that signifies your beloved-ness (remember the cross is your baptismal “branding”) and the grace of humility. The ashen cross reminds us that life is short and easy to waste. We offer three services on Ash Wednesday hoping that one of the times will suit your busy schedule.
Our time together includes a 20-minute silent sit. After the Centering Prayer sit, Father Hendree will start the Mystics Class. If you do not wish to stay for this, you are welcome to quietly depart.
There will be no Centering Prayer on December 26.
Our time together includes a 20-minute silent sit. Following this sit, we will have a short, meditative walk in the worship space before we begin another sit at 7:55am. You are welcome to come to either or both sits.
There will be no Centering Prayer on December 26.
Following the short, meditative walk proceeding the 7:30am sit, we will begin another 20-minute sit at 7:55am. Come and go quietly as you please.
Sunday School
Interested in Serving?
Sunday mornings offer several opportunities for our parishioners to serve during worship. For adults, there are positions such as Usher, Greeter, Counter, Eucharistic Ministers, and Altar Guild, and for youth we offer the opportunity to Acolyte. For more information click the button below!