Upcoming Events
Outreach: Meal Packing Party
On Thursday, March 27, help provide food to local schools, as well as regional flood relief by packing nutritional meals at Lifeline. The Warehouse, located off Nicholasville Rd., has everything you need to participate. Just show up wearing comfortable shoes and clothes, and an eagerness to serve. Good Shepherd will provide a light supper, and then Lifeline staff will give directions for the meal packing. Open to all, ages 8 and up. There is no cost to participate but donations to offset the cost of packing are welcome!
Click Here to sign up!
2514 Regency Road
Middle School Spring Retreat
All 5th Graders are invited! Our Retreat will be facilitated at Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center. Our Theme for the weekend is “Love is All.” This is a great opportunity for shared experiences and engagement with the GoodShepEYC (Episcopal Youth Community).
The cost is $150. Friends are encouraged to attend as well. Transportation provided.
For more information, go to www.gslex.org/springretreat.
Young Adult Women's Small Group Gathering
Join us for Dinner at the Distillery District! More information can be found by joining our ‘Group’ or reaching out to Caroline Wood!
Young Adult Women Small Group Gathering
The Young Adult Women are heading to Keeneland! Come join us! More information can be found by joining our ‘Group’ or reaching out to Caroline Wood!
Interest Meeting for Joining the Church
Are you interested in officially joining the church? Join us at this gathering for more information!
Palm Cross Making
Join us as we make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday!
This is fun for the whole family, and children are encouraged to participate. We need as many volunteers as possible. No experience required. Please bring scissors from home with your name marked on them.
Palm Cross Making
Join us as we make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday!
This is fun for the whole family, and children are encouraged to participate. We need as many volunteers as possible. No experience required. Please bring scissors from home with your name marked on them.
Palm Sunday
Our Palm Sunday services run on “normal Sunday hours”
We will begin the service outside with the “Liturgy of the Palms” and then all process inside together.
Young Adult Women Small Group Gathering
Join us for crafting night!! You can either decorate candles or bring your own craft. For more information (including the address), reach out to Caroline Wood.
Young Adult Ministry Trivia Night
Our Young Adult Ministry meets every third Wednesday of each month for Trivia Night! Meet us at Mirror Twin Brewing at 7pm for food, fellowship, and trivia!
725 National Avenue
Maundy Thursday
The Thursday in Holy Week is part of the Triduum, or three holy days before Easter. Maundy Thursday celebrations commemorate the institution of the eucharist by Jesus “on the night he was betrayed.” At the end of the eucharist, the altar is stripped and all decorative furnishings are removed from the church.
*Nursery available
Good Friday
The Friday before Easter Day, on which we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. It is a day of fasting and special acts of discipline and self-denial. The liturgy of the day includes John's account of the Passion gospel, a solemn form of intercession known as the solemn collects, and optional devotions before the cross.
*Nursery available
Holy Saturday Prayers
The Holy Saturday Prayers offers a simple liturgy of the word read from the Book of Common Prayer.
Flowering of the Church
We need your help flowering the church for Easter! Come join us, starting in the undercroft, on April 19th at 9am. We will work together to enhance our worship space for Easter Sunday!
Easter Vigil
The liturgy intended as the first celebration of Easter! The service begins in darkness, and consists of four parts: The Service of Light; The Service of Lessons; the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the Eucharist.
*Nursery available
Easter Sunday
Join us for one of our 4 services!
9:00am (Brass Quintet & Children’s Chapel)
*11:00am (Brass Quintet & Children’s Chapel)
*The 11:00am service will be LiveStreamed
Easter Egg Hunt
Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for our children (5th grade and younger) will be held at 10:15 am on the Bell Court Lawn! We will gather at the front of Good Shepherd Day School at 10:15 am. Please have your children bring their Easter baskets for this event!
Matchstick Goods Pop-up
Matchstick Goods will have a “Pop-Up” at Good Shepherd on May 4th after each service! They will be selling their handmade items.
For more information about Matchstick Goods, CLICK HERE.
Putt Putt Tournament Fundraiser
All proceeds from The Second Annual GoodShepEYC Putt Putt Tournament Fundraiser will go towards:
1. EYC Summer Camp June 22-27, 2025
2. High School S.C. Mission Experience July 25 - 31, 2025
Mission Experience Video Recap
The format is Captain's Choice. Teams may play just one 18-hole course or all three courses. The best overall score from one of the three courses will determine the winning team.
Hole Sponsorship: Starting with hole one, our sponsored signs will be placed in order in which they are submitted. Please submit your graphic art by April 24, 2025.
Sponsorship Tiers:
Hole Sponsor - $100
Drink Sponsor - $500
Student Scholarship - $1000
Presenting Sponsor - $2500
Our goal for this fundraiser is to raise $16,000.
Thank you all for supporting our GoodShepEYC!
Young Adult Ministry Trivia Night
Our Young Adult Ministry meets every third Wednesday of each month for Trivia Night! Meet us at Mirror Twin Brewing at 7pm for food, fellowship, and trivia!
725 National Avenue
Wood Carvings Tour with Martin Woodford
Our very own, Martin Woodford, is leading a tour after the 10am service on March 23. This tour will include looking at the intricate wood carvings around our worship space. All are welcome!
Outreach: Children's Advocacy Center
One of Good Shepherd's neighbors is the the Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass (CACBG). This nonprofit provides a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child sexual abuse across 17 Central Kentucky counties. Each year, over 1,000 children come to the Center for forensic interviews, medical examinations, counseling and support. All services are provided in at no cost to a child’s family.
Our group will share a meal with the staff, and serve at the center, providing help with cleaning & organizing.
This event is open to adults.
Young Adult Ministry Trivia Night
Our Young Adult Ministry meets every third Wednesday of each month for Trivia Night! Meet us at Mirror Twin Brewing at 7pm for food, fellowship, and trivia!
725 National Avenue

Music, Dinner, and Murder!
You’re invited to a night of mystery and intrigue hosted by George Snider, owner of Murder and Merriment. Join us for an unforgettable evening where secrets unfold and mysteries are solved- an interactive murder mystery dinner party! Indulge in the culinary buffet dinner prepared by Winn Stephens. We hope you can join us as a “detective” so we can investigate and solve this case together! Scan the QR Code to register! Can’t make it? Sponsor a table for friends who can!

Silent Retreat
You are invited to a Meditation Retreat on Saturday, March 8th at Good Shepherd with Fr. Hendree and the Reverend Gary Jones.
This is a great retreat opportunity for people who have never experienced a silent retreat to do so without leaving town. It is also a wonderful chance for people who have a meditation practice to get a retreat experience right here at home in the midst of the busyness of life. The day will consist of four two-hour sessions and a catered lunch. You may join us for one, two, three, or all four sessions. Sign up to participate in the way that best suits your schedule. Come join us!
“There is nothing in all the universe so like God as silence.”
-Meister Eckhart
For more information and the link to register, CLICK HERE.

Ash Wednesday
We will offer three Ash Wednesday services: 7am, 12pm, 7pm.
The first of the forty days of Lent, named for the custom of placing blessed ashes on the foreheads of worshipers at Ash Wednesday services. The ashes are a sign of penitence and a reminder of mortality, and may be imposed with the sign of the cross. Ash Wednesday is observed as a fast in the church year of the Episcopal Church.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
All are Welcome for our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! Join us on Tuesday, March 4 from 5:30-7:00pm for a fun celebration! EYC will partner with the Men’s Breakfast Group to help cook and serve again this year and Patty will have themed activities for children. Youth, please go to https://gslex.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2727922 to sign up to volunteer.
Celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday (also called “Pancake Tuesday” or “Pancake Day”) is the final day before the 40-day period of Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday also became a day for pre-fasting indulgence. In particular, the need to use up rich ingredients such as butter, milk, sugar and eggs before Lent gave rise to the tradition of eating pancakes on this day.

5th Grade Party
Come kick it with Zac on February 23rd from 3:30-6:00pm!
From 3:30-4:30pm we will play games in the Youth Suite! At 4:30pm we will have a special EYC designed to welcome all 5th graders for Middle School EYC, then we will have dinner together at 5:30pm. Drop off and pick up will be in the parking lot, by the playground. Enter through the playground door.
Parents, I invite you to a 30-minute Vision and Mission Meeting of EYC, after the 10am service on February 23rd in the Library. Students are welcome to join!
CLICK HERE to let us know you’re coming!!

Lexington Rescue Mission: Walk for Warmth
Take powerful steps to end homelessness in Lexington, one individual and family at a time. Your participation funds our Homeless Intervention Program, moving individuals and families into permanent housing with the resources to succeed.
CLICK HERE to Register or go to at www.walkforwarmth.org. Start fundraising and spread the word! Take steps to change lives!

2025 EYC Winter Ski Retreat
Registration for the Winter Ski Retreat, January 10-12, 2025 is CLOSED. This retreat will be at Glade Springs Resort in West Virginia. We will be skiing all day Saturday at Winter Place. We are asking that all students take a half day at school on Friday, January 10 so that we can get leave by 1pm. We will be back by 5pm Sunday.
If you have not already, please fill out the 2024-2025 Liability Form.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Zac!
*NOTE: You can pay by Cash/Check if you would like!

Christmas Eve/Day Church Services
Come celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus! Our service times are below:
4pm│Children’s Chapel and Nursery Available
7pm│Children’s Chapel and Nursery Available
Christmas Day│10am

EYC Christmas Caroling
Combined EYC December 22nd from 2 - 5pm
Meet in the Youth Suite at 2pm. We will rehearse the songs with Mattilda before traveling together to Liberty Ridge and Mayfair Manor. While with the residents we will sing three Christmas Carols before getting to know the residents and learning more about some of their favorite Christmas memories. We will end our time with one more closing Christmas Carol.
This is an intergenerational event that you're not going to want to miss. Please let us know if you're going to be able to make it so that we can be sure we have transportation provided!

Children's Christmas Party
Children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to join our annual Children’s Christmas Party, December 15, from 4:45 - 6:15pm! Parents may drop off their children to the undercroft and then pick them up at the end of Lessons and Carols. We’ll enjoy Christmas activities, crafts, and dinner together. Please RSVP here to register your children for this gathering. Our nursery is available for infants and toddlers during Lessons and Carols.

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Join us for a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols right here at Good Shepherd! This service includes readings from the Bible accompanied by carols sung by the choir. The Prelude will begin at 4:30pm and the Service will begin at 5:00pm.
Nursery is Available.
There will be Children and Youth Christmas Parties going on simultaneously. Keep scrolling to learn more about when and where the parties are taking place.
It is based on the famous service at King's College, Cambridge, in England with Scripture readings that tell the story of the birth of Jesus, plus your favorite Christmas carols. Featuring the Good Shepherd Choir and special guests Ellie Crawford and Catalina Bravo, both students at The School for the Creative and Performing Arts at Bluegrass (SCAPA) and members of Good Shepherd.
Featured Carols for 2024
Once in Royal David’s City
Personent Hodie by John Rutter
Adam Lay YBounden by Peter Warlock
Ding! dong! merrily on high by Mack Wilberg
God rest you merry, gentlemen
A maiden most gentle by Andrew Carter
Bogoroditse Devo by Sergei Rachmaninoff
In the bleak midwinter by Harold Darke
While shepherds watched
Behold the Star by William Dawson
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

EYC (Youth) Christmas Party
Middle School│4:00pm│Youth Suite
High School│5:00pm│Bishop’s House
Join us for our Christmas party on December 15! We will have our annual Gift Exchange Game, so please bring a wrapped gift (under $10).

Greening of the Church
Calling all helpers! All are Welcome to join us as we Green the Church in preparation for Christmas! Just come to the Undercroft at 9am and let’s get to work!

LAS Architects Presentation & Forum
Join us on Sunday, December 8 directly following the 10am service in the worship space for an update presentation from Lord Aeck Sargent Architecture Firm on our Strategic Plan for Good Shepherd Buildings and Grounds. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Christmas Pageant
Good Shepherd children are invited to join our annual Christmas Pageant, Sunday, December 8, at 10am! Pageant participants will need to arrive at the undercroft between 9:00-9:15 am on Sunday, December 8. Use the link below to sign up your child(ren) to be an angel, shepherd, wise person, star, sheep, cow, camel, horse, donkey, or their favorite animal!

Rev. Emily Badgett's Ordination
Join us on Saturday, December 7th as we celebrate our very own, Rev. Emily, to the Sacred Order of Priests. This service will be held at 3:00pm at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church!

Christmas Spirituals Lecture-Recital
The first bi-annual lecture-recital presented by Good Shepherd Music School is led by Artist-in-Residence Alicia Helm McCorvey. Learn about Christmas spirituals and hear them performed live.

Thanksgiving Eucharist
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eucharist at 12pm in the church. This service will be in place of the weekly Wednesday Noon Eucharist.

Children + Families Advent Celebration
It’s almost time to start preparation for the Mystery of Christmas! How will your family get ready?
Children & Families are invited to join us for an Advent lunch on Sunday, Nov 24 at 11:30 in the undercroft.
Enjoy lunch with family and friends
Hear an Advent story told by Cynthia Insko
Learn the purpose and meaning of Advent
Receive an Advent wreath kit and family prayer guide to use at home
Join us as we get ready together to approach the Mystery of Christmas!

Silent Retreat
Come join us for a Silent Meditation Retreat right here at home. On Saturday, November 9th we are going to have an all day Silent Retreat at Good Shepherd. The day will begin with a welcome and an opening teaching by the Reverend Tom Ward who will co-lead the retreat with Fr. Hendree.
The retreat day will consist of meditation sessions, teaching, and a catered lunch. This silent retreat is designed to be a deep dive into contemplative practice. The teachings will be short, meaningful lessons on contemplation and the search for God in the silence.
The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a brief welcome, introductions, and notes on the structure of the retreat. We will then enter into silence which will be maintained all day long. The teachers will speak when offering their teaching at appointed conference times, beyond that all will remain in silence throughout the day. Lunch will be provided in the undercroft. The retreatants will maintain silence during lunch while a contemplative text is read and a brief lesson on the text is offered. This is in keeping with the monastic tradition of the reading of sacred texts during meals.
The retreat is in four movements. Morning, lunch time, afternoon and late afternoon. You may come to one, two, or all four of the movements.
For more information, CLICK HERE.

Parent/Guardian Book Group
We hope to nurture the faith formation of the children in our lives, but how do they encourage our spiritual growth? Join us as we read Lacy Finn Borgo's book, "Faith Like a Child," on October 9, 16, 23, and November 6 from 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom!
A well-known challenge of Jesus to his followers is to become like little children. The children in our midst are gifts. But it's often difficult to remember the natural patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live freely in God's wonder-filled presence.
All are Welcome to join us as we discuss and explore: Is childlike faith simply an unquestioning faith, or is it being present with ourselves in a way that invites healing, wholeness and freedom in Christ?
Let us know if you’re planning on attending by clicking HERE.
Please purchase your own book: https://a.co/d/dng56H1
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 820 8228 5458
Passcode: 614218

All Saints Children Procession
We celebrate All Saints' Sunday to honor the big family of God, called the communion of saints,
who are bound together in the mystical body of Christ. Saints, by the examples of their lives, show us how to embody the love ethic of Jesus. We invite children to process together, each with their favorite saint icon,at the beginning of the 10:00 am service on Sunday,
November 3. If your child would like to be part of the saints’ procession, please come to the loggia(hallway by the playground) at 9:50 am to select a special saint icon to carry! If your child would like to pre-select their favorite saint, please CLICK HERE to sign up.

All Souls' Evensong
All are welcome to join us for a brief service of contemplative prayer and choral music in memory of our beloved dead. Incense will be used.
On All Saints Sunday (November 3) we remember with great joy the lives of all the members of fellowship who have died in the last year. At this service we will include a list of all deceased, and we will read aloud names of those who have died in the past year.

Trunk or Treat
Mark your calendars for an evening of Halloween-themed activities, games and, of course, treats! We are hosting a Trunk-or-Treat for Children and Families led by our Youth on October 30 from 5:30-7:00pm in the Parking Lot! You’re invited to dress up if you would like!

Consecration Sunday│ Celebration Luncheon
Come join us on Consecration Sunday as we celebrate all of the Financial Gifts our beloved Good Shepherd Community has committed to giving for the 2024-2025 year.
The Luncheon will take place after the 10am service at Ashland Elementary School.
Registration Link coming soon!

Men's Breakfast Group
The Men’s Breakfast is open to all adult males. We welcome this wonderful opportunity for all generations to meet and share a meal together! This group meets every Third Saturday at 8:30am in the Undercroft.

AGO Organ Recital
Members of the Lexington chapter of the American Guild of Organists present an organ recital of music based on the annual church calendar. All are welcome and admission is free.