Our Email Subscriptions

  • General E-News

    This e-mail goes out every Thursday afternoon to the larger parish. You will receive information about upcoming events and opportunities, a schedule of weekly offerings, the Sunday bulletin and announcement sheet, Father Hendree’s weekly “word” and his blog, AND MORE!

  • EYC (Youth) E-News

    This e-mail goes out every Monday afternoon! You will receive important announcements, upcoming events and opportunities, fun pictures, and registration links! Don’t miss a beat when it comes to your EYC!

  • Children + Families

    This e-mail goes out every Friday afternoon! You will receive information about upcoming events and opportunities, registration links, important announcements, and fun news highlighting different families here at Good Shepherd!

  • Friends of Music

    This e-mail goes out once a quarter. You will receive a recap of the quarter written by Mattilda, information about upcoming events and fundraisers, and more!