Strategic Plan for Building & Grounds
Use and Possible Expansion
As our parish continues to grow, we are discovering if we are making the highest and best use of our space given our current and future ministry needs. Check out our updates below:
December 8, 2024│Strategic Plan Presentation & Forum Video
To follow along with the LAS Architecture Firm Presentation, CLICK HERE.
December 8, 2024│Strategic Plan Presentation & Forum
You are invited to join us on Sunday, December 8 immediately following the 10am service in the worship space for a Strategic Plan forum led by our design and architecture firm, Lord Aeck Sargent (LAS). Come offer your input on the future plans for our Good Shepherd Campus.
Common Ground/Sacred Ground – A Conversation: The 2024 Vestry has been tasked with engaging an architecture firm to help Good Shepherd develop a strategic plan for its Buildings and Grounds. Last month, we engaged the services of Lord Aeck Sargent to help us envision a campus that honors our legacy, embodies our values, and prepares the way for our future as we grow together. Please join us for a conversation about the master planning process and our shared aspirations for our spiritual home.
September 19, 2024
This week the architecture and design firm with whom we have contracted, Lord Aeck Sargent, will meet with church staff and members of our strategic plan small group for interviews about the current building use and a vision for future needs.
The strategic plan small group is: Martin Woodford, Fred Downs, Beth Bell Brown, Roger Kirkpatrick, Wendy Van Meter, Jeff Fugate, Scott Heersche, and Fr. Hendree.
September 10, 2024
The Vestry has contracted with the architecture and design firm Lord Aeck Sargent (LAS) to do two things. One, help us discover if we are making the highest and best use of our space given our current and future ministry needs, including consideration around the possible construction of a fellowship hall. Two, LAS is doing a comprehensive conditions assessment of all of our buildings. Their work began last week!
May 22, 2024
The Vestry has received a recommendation from our Strategic Plan discernment team on the hire of an architecture firm. They have accepted the recommendation and asked our Director of Operations and Treasurer to engage the firm. We will soon have a signed contract and will be able to let you know who the firm is and offer more details about the timeline for our project. Stay tuned for more exciting news to come soon!
May 2, 2024
Our discernment team has now interviewed a number of architecture firms and will soon decide which firm to recommend to the vestry. The firm we hire will help us determine 3 things. One, they will do a comprehensive capital needs assessment. Two, they will do a space study of all our buildings to determine if we are making the highest and best use of our space resources given our current and projected mission needs. Three, if we are not making the best use of our space, what renovations or construction should we undertake so that our space better serves our vision. Included in the third item is an answer to the question of whether or not we should build a parish hall for large gatherings. Stay tuned for more information to come soon, and please feel free to reach out to me or a member of the discernment team with any questions. They are: Fred Downs, Martin Woodford, Scott Heersche, Wendy Van Meter, Beth Bell Brown, and Jeff Fugate.
April 25, 2024
A team of parishioners is in the process of interviewing architecture firms, one of whom we will hire to help us determine what we need to do in terms of renovations and additions to accommodate the current and future needs of our growing, vibrant parish. Stay tuned for more information and news of how you can participate. It is an exciting time to be at Good Shepherd! I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for you and the way you offer yourself in love and service to the life of our church.