Silent Retreat
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Silent Retreat│ March 8
When and Where
Come join us for a Silent Meditation Retreat right here at home. On Saturday, March 8 join Father Hendree and the Rev. Gary Jones in the worship space for a day of contemplative teaching and silence. The retreat will unfold in four movements.
Schedule Overview
The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a brief welcome, introductions, and notes on the structure of the retreat. We will then enter into silence which will be maintained all day long. The teachers will speak when offering their teaching at appointed conference times, beyond that all will remain in silence throughout the day. Lunch will be provided in the undercroft. The retreatants will maintain silence during lunch while a contemplative text is read and a brief lesson on the text is offered. This is in keeping with the monastic tradition of the reading of sacred texts during meals.
The retreat is in four movements. Morning, lunch time, afternoon, and late afternoon. You may come to one, two, three or all four of the movements.
Keep scrolling for more information.
Why Participate?
This is a great retreat opportunity for people who have never experienced a silent retreat to do so without leaving town. It is also a wonderful chance for people who have a meditation practice to get a retreat experience right here at home in the midst of the busyness of life.
Please note that although Centering Prayer is the practice method used by many of us at Good Shepherd, it is not a retreat requirement. Should you like to learn the method, it may be learned in a group setting at the start of our regularly scheduled Centering Prayer offering at 5pm on Mondays in the worship space. Should that time not work for your schedule, Good Shepherd parishioner, Woody Snowden, would be happy to schedule a mutually convenient time to introduce the practice to you.
Retreat Schedule
Note: The retreat is in four movements. Morning, lunch time, afternoon, and late afternoon. You may come to one, two, three or all four of the movements. Meditation sits take place in the worship space and each sit is followed by a meditative walk.
Welcome/Introductions to each other and the day
Talk 1
Silence Begins
Meditation Sits (2)
Break (Participants may enter)
Talk 2
Meditation Sits (2)
Silent Lunch (with a reading from ‘Open Mind Open Heart’)
Break (Participants may enter)
Grand Silence Begins
Talk 3
Meditation Sits (3)
Break (Participants may enter)
Talk 4
Meditation Sits (2)
Silence Ends
Final Talk
Go in Peace to love and serve the Lord!
About the Reverend Gary Jones
Gary Jones is an Episcopal priest who has been engaged with contemplative practices for decades. While reverently drawn to a variety of meditation practices, Gary focuses on the lesser known riches of Christian contemplative tradition, with special thanks to teachers like Martin Laird, OSA. Gary’s golden retriever is named Rafa, after the Archangel, Raphael, whose name in Hebrew means “God heals.” May it be so for you.