Quick Guide

Here at Good Shepherd we provide many different Lenten opportunities for Worship, Formation, and Outreach. We also have several Events that you don’t want to miss! Check out this quick overview of information, and then scroll further for more details!


    Ash Wednesday

    March 5: 7am, 12pm, 7pm

    Palm Sunday

    April 13: 8am, 10am, 5pm

    Maundy Thursday

    April 17: 7pm

    Good Friday

    April 18: 7pm

    Holy Saturday Prayers

    April 19: 8:30am

    Easter Vigil

    April 19: 7pm

    Easter Day

    April 20: 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 5pm



    Lenten Challenge for Families

    • Learn the stories of Jesus’ life with your child this Lent! Each Thursday, beginning March 6, from 8:00-8:30pm we will engage live on Zoom with the Godly Play story that our youngest children will hear the following Sunday in chapel. Click Here for more information!


    Middle School Spring Retreat

    • All 5th Graders are invited! Our retreat will be faciliated at Aldersgate Camp and Conference Center. Click Here to learn more and to register!

    Spring Break Adventures

    • April 7-10 at 2pm! Meet at the church for a walk, ice cream, games and a fun shared experience!


    New Bible Study Book

    We will begin studying a new book of the Bible on March 5th for Rector’s Bible Study! Come join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:30am in the Library or via Zoom!


    March 2-April 20

    Pillow Drive for Chyrsallis House

    March 11

    Planting “Love” at Arbor Youth Services

    March 21

    Work day at Children’s Advocacy Center

    March 27

    Meal packing party at Lifeline

    April 1

    Interfaith Habitat build begins

    April 2

    Pampering PATHways baby shower

    April 13

    Church Under the Bridge

  • CLICK HERE to Learn More

    Shrove Tuesday: March 4

    • The GoodShepEYC is partnering with the Men’s Breakfast team to host us this year for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 5:30-7:00pm here at the church on Tuesday, March 4th. It’s a lot of fun, sort of one last blast before the quiet fasting season of Lent. Patty will have themed activities for the children as well. Come join us!

    Silent Retreat: March 8

    • On the first Saturday in the season of Lent, March 8th, we will have an all-day Silent Retreat here at Good Shepherd. The Reverend Gary Jones will join us for a day of contemplative teaching and silence using the Centering Prayer method. The day will be broken up into four movements - you can come to one, two, three, or all four. Click Here for more information and to register!

    Music, Dinner, and Murder!

    • You are invited to this night of murder mystery! Join us for an unforgettable evening where secrets unfold and mysteries are solved- an interactive murder mystery dinner party! Click Here to register!

    EYC Middle School Spring Retreat

    • All 5th Graders are invited! This Retreat will be facilitated at Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center on March 28-30. Our Theme for the weekend is “Love is All.” This is a great opportunity for shared experiences and engagement with the GoodShepEYC (Episcopal Youth Community). The cost is $150. Your friends are encouraged to attend as well! Transportation will be provided.

    Flowering the Church

    • We need your help flowering the church for Easter! Come join us, starting in the undercroft, on April 19th at 9am. We will work together to enhance our worship space for Easter Sunday!

What is Lent?

  • Lent is like getting ready for a big party.

    If you’re going to a big, fancy party you need to get ready. Lent is the time we take to get ready for the biggest party of the year, Easter, which is such a big party that we take 40 full days to get ready to receive the grace of resurrection. Getting ready for Easter is not about outward appearance, it is about letting go of things that stand between us and God.  In Lent we pay attention to our inner motivations, the words we say, the choices we make; in Lent we increase our disciplines of prayer and church attendance. During Lent we try to be a little more careful with ourselves and each other as we prepare for the love-soaked party that awaits us on Easter.

  • This year, Lent begins on March 5th.

    We call the first day of Lent Ash Wednesday.

    Traditionally, The Imposition of Ashes consists of the priest tracing the sign of the cross on your forehead and quoting the scripture which says, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” This is a manual act that signifies your beloved-ness and the grace of humility. The ashen cross reminds us that life is short and all that really matters is love, loving God and each other.

    Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) during which we prepare for the biggest feast day of the year - Easter! This year, Easter is on April 20, 2025!

  • In Lent we spend time trying to collapse the distance between ourselves and God.

    So a good question for Lent is, “What keeps from walking closely with God?” During Lent we put special effort into not doing those things. It is common in Lent to take something on or give something up as a daily discipline. You might give up an indulgence that is not healthy for your mind, body, and spirit. Or you might take on a practice like prayer, reading spiritual texts, or meditation that you think might help you in your faith walk. Another way to think about Lent is simply to remember that what we’re trying to do is be more loving. What pushes you to be more loving? Do that during Lent.


Ash Wednesday

March 5 @ 7am, 12pm, 7pm

The first of the forty days of Lent, named for the custom of placing blessed ashes on the foreheads of worshipers at Ash Wednesday services. The ashes are a sign of penitence and a reminder of mortality, and may be imposed with the sign of the cross.

Good Friday

April 18 @ 7pm

The Friday before Easter Day, on which we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. It is a day of fasting and special acts of discipline and self-denial. The liturgy of the day includes John's account of the Passion gospel, a solemn form of intercession known as the solemn collects, and optional devotions before the cross.

*Nursery available

Palm Sunday

April 13 @ 8am, 10am, 5pm

The Sunday before Easter at which Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and Jesus’ Passion on the cross are recalled. This service begins outside with the Liturgy of the Palms, and then we all process inside the church together holding our palms! Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week.

Holy Saturday Prayers & Easter Vigil

April 19

Prayers @ 8:30am

Vigil @ 7pm

The Holy Saturday Prayers offers a simple liturgy of the word read from the Book of Common Prayer.

The Easter Vigil liturgy intended as the first celebration of Easter! The service begins in darkness, and consists of four parts: The Service of Light; The Service of Lessons; the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the Eucharist.

*Nursery available

Maundy Thursday

April 17 @ 7pm

The Thursday in Holy Week is part of the Triduum, or three holy days before Easter. Maundy Thursday celebrations commemorate the institution of the eucharist by Jesus “on the night he was betrayed.” At the end of the eucharist, the altar is stripped and all decorative furnishings are removed from the church.

*Nursery available

Easter Day

April 20 @ 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 5pm

Join us for The feast of Christ's resurrection!

Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for our children (5th grade and younger) will be held at 10:15 am on the Bell Court Lawn!  We will gather at the front of Good Shepherd Day School at 10:15 am.  Please have your children bring their Easter baskets for this event!

*Nursery available


Children + Families

Learn the stories of Jesus’ life with your child this Lent!

The Rev. Cynthia Insko, our Godly Play Consultant at Good Shepherd, is leading this Parent Lenten Offering. Each Thursday beginning March 6th from 8:00-8:30pm we will engage live on Zoom with the Godly Play story that our youngest children will hear the following Sunday in chapel. This opportunity is designed for adults, but children are welcome to attend.

Moms’ Ministry: Learn More

Our Moms’ Ministry gathers the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. We will begin meeting on February 25th. This ministry provides a nurturing space for mothers to gather for friendship, support, and spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We meet in the Bishop’s House at 8:45am.


Sunday Night EYC

Join us for our Sunday Night EYC programming!

Middle School: 4:30-6:00pm

High School: 5:30-7:00pm

Shared meal from 5:30-6:00pm in the undercroft.

Middle School (& 5th Grade) Spring Retreat

Join us for our Spring Retreat March 28-30! This retreat will be facilitated at Aldersgate Camp and Conference Center. Our theme for the weekend is “Love is All.” This is a great opportunity for shared experiences and engagement with the GoodShepEYC!

Spring Break Afternoon Adventures

Are you in town for Spring Break? Join us April 7-10 from 2-5pm for ice-cream and adventures! Stay up to date by following us on instagram!


Group Singing Lessons: Sundays after the 10am service

Everybody benefits from singing. It isn't just about sounding good, its about taking care of your instrument, and YOU are your instrument. Healthy breathing, posture, and muscle relaxation are all a part of good singing and a healthy lifestyle. Meet at the front of the church after the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist, or go straight to the Choir Room for a 30-minute group lesson.


Rector’s Bible Study: New Book!

We will begin studying a new book of the Bible on Wednesday, March 5th for Rector’s Bible Study! Come join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:30am in the Library, via Zoom, or on Facebook Live! CLICK HERE for more information and for the links to join remotely!

‘My First Lent’ Sunday School Class

Journey through lent as if it were your first with Rev. Emily’s new eyes as it is her first lent as a priest! Together, we will dive deeper into what it means to be an Episcopalian in our world, emphasizing how Art (Music, Poetry, Architecture, and writing) is part of the blank canvas God is calling us to work on. 

If you are new to the Episcopal Church, new to Good Shepherd, thinking about baptism, confirmation, or reception, this is a great place to discern and learn! We will meet in the Library on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. This offering is available in person and via Zoom. CLICK HERE to Zoom.

Stain Glass Window/Church History Tours

For three Sundays in Lent, Martin Woodford will be giving talks on the History of Good Shepherd: March 9, March 23 (Carvings), and April 6 (Church Windows). The talks will be immediately following the 10am service and should last about an hour. Each talk stands alone so you can attend any one or all of the talks as you wish.


March 5-April 20

We are collecting NEW bed pillows for the Chrysalis House! Our goal is to collect 200 pillows! You can drop them off at the Outreach Corner in the loggia or bring them to church on Sundays during Lent.

Tuesday, March 11

from 4-8pm

Join us as we plant “love” at Arbor Youth Services! We need volunteers to: work in the garden, help organize their storage closets, and provide a meal for youth who drop in. You can come for a while, stay the whole time or help with meal prep ahead of the event. This is a family friendly opportunity. CLICK HERE to learn more about Arbor Youth Services

Friday, March 21

from 1-4pm

We are having a work day at the Children’s Advocacy Center! Our group will share a meal with the staff, and serve at the center, providing help with cleaning & organizing and giving the Center a special touch to help it be a welcoming environment for all. Open to adults only. CLICK HERE to learn more about the CAC.

Thursday, March 27

from 6-8pm

We are having another meal packing party at Lifeline Ministries! Come join us as we share a simple meal together, and then pack meals for disaster relief! This event is open to children ages 8+ (with a guardian) as well as adults. CLICK HERE to learn more about Lifeline Ministries.

Tuesday, April 1

Help build a home for a refugee mom and her four children through the Interfaith Habitat Build. Registration to work on the build site begins February 21 and construction begins on Tuesday, April 1.

There are opportunities for meal prep, as well as sharing and learning all kinds of construction skills. Most work occurs Monday- Friday from 8:30am - 3:30 pm. Open to ages 16 and up (with a guardian).

Click Here to learn more about the family.

Wednesday, April 2

from 9am-1pm

Join us as we help throw a baby shower with Pampering PATHways! We will be there to help wherever is needed and to support the soon-to-be mothers! This opportunity is only available for women. CLICK HERE to learn more about Pampering PATHways!

Sunday, April 13

from 1-4pm

We are partnering with Church Under the Bridge! Join us as we help lead a worship service and offer a meal. This ministry works to share the hope and love of Christ with the homeless and marginally housed of the inner-city of Lexington. CLICK HERE to learn more.


Shrove Tuesday: March 4

All are Welcome for our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! Join us on Tuesday, March 4 from 5:30-7:00pm for a fun celebration! EYC will partner with the Men’s Breakfast Group and the Daughters of the King to help cook and serve again this year, and Patty will have themed activities for children.

Silent Meditation Retreat: March 8

You are invited to a Meditation Retreat on Saturday, March 8th at Good Shepherd with Fr. Hendree and the Reverend Gary Jones.

This is a great retreat opportunity for people who have never experienced a silent retreat to do so without leaving town. It is also a wonderful chance for people who have a meditation practice to get a retreat experience right here at home in the midst of the busyness of life. The day will consist of four two-hour sessions and a catered lunch. You may join us for one, two, three, or all four sessions. Sign up to participate in the way that best suits your schedule. Come join us!

“There is nothing in all the universe so like God as silence.”
-Meister Eckhart

Music, Dinner, and Murder!: March 14

You’re invited to a night of mystery and intrigue hosted by George Snider, owner of Murder and Merriment. Join us on Friday, March 14 for an unforgettable evening where secrets unfold and mysteries are solved- an interactive murder mystery dinner party! Indulge in the culinary buffet dinner prepared by Winn Stephens. We hope you can join us as a “detective” so we can investigate and solve this case together! Scan the QR Code to register! Can’t make it? Sponsor a table for friends who can!

Middle School (& 5th Grade) Spring Retreat: March 28-30

All 5th Graders are invited! This Retreat will be facilitated at Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center on March 28-30. Our Theme for the weekend is “Love is All.” This is a great opportunity for shared experiences and engagement with the GoodShepEYC (Episcopal Youth Community). The cost is $150. Your friends are encouraged to attend as well! Transportation will be provided.

Flowering the Church: April 19

We need your help flowering the church for Easter! Come join us, starting in the undercroft, on April 19th at 9am. We will work together to enhance our worship space for Easter Sunday!

Easter Egg Hunt

Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for our children (5th grade and younger) will be held at 10:15am on the Bell Court Lawn! We will gather at the front of Good Shepherd Day School at 10:15am. Please have your children bring their Easter baskets for this event!