Easter Flowers and Music

In thanksgiving for and/or in memory for the ones we hold close.

DEADLINE in order to be printed in the bulletin: April 6.

Easter Flowers

In memory of…

Bill Brewer, Barbara Brewer, Carol Frazelle, Ruby Harness, Lois Harness by Keith, Traci and Emily Brewer

Lewis and Darlene Garrison by Lisa Garrison and Alex, Seamus and Jade

Hendree and Jane Milward, Helen Sorrell, Coburn and Sara Miller by John and Luanne Milward

Grant Plummer by Ann and Mark Plummer

In thanksgiving for…

our grandchildren, Henning, Ouisie, and George Gess, and Edward Charles Melando by Ed and Beth Barr.

Lauren, Eric, Ben & Walter Luftman by Mark and Ann Plummer

Easter Music

In memory of…

Patsy Gibson and Rocky Crawford by Rodes and Cinda Brown

In thanksgiving for…

Alex, Marisa, Seamus and Jade by Lisa Garrison