Good Shepherd
Music School
Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:1
*The Good Shepherd Music School follows the Fayette County Public School Calendar.
There will be no Choristers or Instrumentalists on Sunday, December 29.
Regular Programming Overview
The Good Shepherd Music School offers weekly programming for certain areas of focus. Keep reading for more information!
Choristers on Sundays
2nd-12th Grade
When│Sundays 3:30-4:30pm
Where│Youth Suite
Subjects│Singing, games, EYC Worship
This group will sing once a month either at the 10am for the 5pm service.
*Eligible for Private Tuition Scholarship
Choristers on Wednesdays
2nd-12th Grade
When│Wednesdays 4:45-6:00pm
Where│Choir Room
Subjects│Music Theory, Sining, Evensong
This group will sing once a month either at the 10am for the 5pm service.
*Eligible for Private Tuition Scholarship
Youth Instruments
6th-12th Grade
Middle School│Sundays 3:30-4:30pm
High School│Sundays 4:30-5:30pm
Where│Youth Suite (MS) & Choir Room (HS)
This group will play periodically at the 5pm service.
*Eligible for Private Tuition Scholarship
How to Read Music
An Adult Continuing Education Course
When│Sundays after the 10am Service
Where│The Chancel (where the Choir sits)
The Good Shepherd Music School is offering a music reading course! No skills or experience needed, and everybody is welcome to come whenever they are available. They'll be held at the Chancel (where the choir sits) after the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist every Sunday.
Ongoing Activities
Every fourth Sunday of the month, music is offered monthly as a means of reflection on recent Godly Play stories.
Ages 3 years - 5th grade
Parents of infants are invited to attend an 8-10 minute music session in the Nursery following the 10 o'clock service on Sundays, beginning August 25. Learn how to hum and sing very simple church songs and lullabies with your baby.
Ages 0-4 years.
Grades 3rd-5th.
Grades 6th-8th.
Grades 6th-12th.
Advanced Middle-High schoolers.
Advanced treble singers in Middle School and High School
Audition required to enroll
Prerequisite: intermediate knowledge of music theory and excellent sight-reading skills
Rehearsals will only take place when every student is available
Sing at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist periodically, and annually at Lessons and Carols
Eligible for a scholarship paid toward private lessons outside Good Shepherd
This is not required to participate in the ensemble
Students must apply for the scholarship annually in the Fall
90% attendance rate required for scholarship
Short Talks on Big Ideas
Twice-yearly Lecture Recitals open to all
Twice-yearly group singing lessons (10 lessons each term)
Special Events
2025 Vacation Bible School dates are June 9-13th.
Junior and Senior Choristers
Schola Cantorum
What is Episcopal Music?
More Information
Everyone is eligible to apply for a scholarship paid towards private lessons outside Good Shepherd. The qualifications for scholarships are below:
Junior Choristers: 60% attendance rate
Senior Choristers: 70% attendance rate
Youth Instruments: 70% attendance rate
Schola Cantorum: 90% attendance rate
Dr. Mattilda Middleton - Senior Choristers and Schola Cantorum
Justin Felix - Preschool, Junior Choristers
Dr. Christopher Leverenz - Youth Instruments
Kay’mon Murrah - Group Singing Lessons
Partners for Private Tuition
Daniel and Amy Carwile - Violin Teachers