Taylor Ballinger
I have been a member of Good Shepherd since 2013 along with my wife Rosanna and daughters Caroline and Elizabeth. In my time at Good Shepherd I have served as an Usher, Eucharistic Minister, Godly Play teacher, and as a liaison for B.U.I.L.D. (Building a United Interfaith Lexington through Direct Action). My family and I love the Good Shepherd community, and I am excited to serve our Parish in my role as a Vestry member.
I'm originally from Berea, Kentucky and am a proud graduate of Berea College, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Kentucky. I serve as the Development Director for the Children's Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass. In my spare time you'll find me running, hiking, starting a book and not finishing it, being disappointed in my favorite sports teams, and chauffeuring one of my children to and from their evening/weekend activities.