Session 1

Chapters 1-7

  1. Julian calls the showings a revelation of love given to her by Jesus. The unity of the human soul and the Divine is a thread that runs through each of the 16 showings.

  2. The showings reveal God as the indwelling source of all creation.

  3. Julian is writing for all believers with no distinction made between lay, ordained, or religious in order to “communicate to all her fellow Christians the meaning of the love that God revealed to her.” (B. McGinn p. 429)

  4. She opens chapter 2 acknowledging that the showings were an answer to the prayer for the 3 gifts she had asked God to grant her in her youth. 

    1. Participation in Christ’s passion

    2. A life threatening illness

    3. The “triple wound of a humble heart, kind compassion, and all consuming longing for God.”

  5. Chapter 3 describes the onset of the life threatening illness which lasted 3 days and resulted in the administration of last rites on the fourth night.

  6. She did not ask for the visions. They came unbidden as she lay dying

  7. In chapter 4 a vision of the Trinity filled her heart with joy

  8. Filled with such overflowing joy Julian became convinced that she could face anything that befell her. This is the deepest truth and meaning of the cross of Christ

  9. The absolute humility of Mother Mary was also revealed to Julian. The absolute greatness of God being lowered to enter into the humble nature of Mary illuminated Julian’s understanding of Mary. the first shall be last and the last shall be first

  10. Chapter 5 contains Julian’s famous hazelnut vision.

  11. Jesus’ “tender love is our shelter; he will never leave us.”

  12. Hazelnut - “Everything that is has its being through the love of God.” No matter how small.  Julian is trying to help us see that the Divine indwells all creation, all of it. Everything that exists, exists moment to moment because God’s love is pouring all that is into existence. This is our “nothingness without God.” (Meister Eckhart)

  13. Chapter 6: “God is the goodness within everything.” “God already has us enfolded in himself.”

  14. “God loves us completely and sweetly, and with infinite tenderness.”

  15. The oceanic greatness of God’s love for us is “the foundation of all the showings that were to come.”

  16. “In light of the vastness of God’s love, we behold our own littleness, and this fills us with awe and humility. It also awakens in us abundant love for all our fellow beings.”

  17. Chapter 7 - the most comforting showing was the “utter simplicity and friendliness” of Jesus. The friendliness of Jesus causes Julian to lose herself in joy.  It’s all for joy!


Session 2

