The Seventh Dwelling│Mansions of Union or Spiritual Marriage

Chapter One

  1. “I know what i am, and I know what i’m not

  2. God has a special place inside the soul where he alone dwells - another heaven

  3. The Beloved joins the soul to himself

  4. In the 7th dwelling everything is new

  5. Scales removed from our eyes

  6. Soul enters here through a vision of the Trinity

  7. What we know by faith the soul now knows by sight (direct experience)

  8. She is amazed to discover the 3 persons of the Trinity never leave her

  9. She is settled as she is constantly companioned by God who is 3 persons

  10. She is more present that ever before

  11. Perceives a subtle distinction between the soul and the faculties of sense and reason

Chapter Two

  1. God shares himself through a visual revelation - in the divine marriage

  2. There is nothing but Spirit

  3. In spiritual engagement separation can occur - the flames of two candles are one when pressed together (engaged) but are two again when pulled apart.  Here the union is complete and no separation is possible

  4. Upon detachment God fills the empty space with himself

Chapter Three

  1. Forgetfulness of self as if the soul ceases to be

  2. She (the soul) has attained an unshakeable peace and feels compassion toward her persecutors

  3. What hurts people in this dwelling most is that many people do not honor and love God

  4. Raptures all but cease

  5. She is at rest at last

  6. She no longer feels alone

  7. Nothing can scare her

  8. Storms pass quickly here

Chapter Four

  1. She cultivates stillness

  2. Misfortune, trials, and mistakes still happen

  3. Pleasing and loving God is her sole focus

  4. Personal recognition is useless

  5. “The foundation of the whole building is humility”

  6. It’s not necessary to try to help the whole world

  7. Even if our deeds are small they will be made great through the greatness of our love for God.


  8. You can walk in the Interior Castle anytime you want to.

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

The Sixth Dwelling│Mansions of Intimacy