The Third Dwelling│Mansions of Exemplary Life

  1. Making some progress on the spiritual path but watchful and worried about regressing.

  2. Want to want God and God alone but afraid of full surrender

  3. Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t be too impressed with your own progress.  Continue to be in awe of God.

  4. Devoted to practice and very careful.

  5. Equanimity and true humility begins (p. 70).  You are good to others.

  6. Detachment begins and we think we’re further along than we are.

  7. See the importance of service.  It is paramount.

  8. Periods of aridity and lock of consolation are formative yielding humility and endurance

  9. We consider ourselves wiser than others and fancy ourselves teachers

  10. We fail little tests of faith and grow in humility as a result

  11. The journey can be exhausting (p. 79)

  12. Being to see the difference between “sweetness” and “consolation”.   Love is the difference.  Ego vs. humility (p. 81)

  13. You’re not a teacher yet. Be quite and pray for your neighbor

  14. Stop focusing on the imperfections of others and focus on your own.

  15. Strive to live always in silence and hope.

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

The Fourth Dwelling│Mansions of the Prayer of Quiet


The Second Dwelling│Mansions of the Practice of Prayer