Factory settings
The way to prevent violence and the wars that unchecked violence leads to is to unleash the love that lives inside of us all. God has planted love in every heart, but in a great many people that love is trapped behind the undealt with pain, grief, fear, and trauma of our lives. Until we deal with our own insides, our own inner struggle, we will not be able to let the love that naturally lives within us flow out into the world. The best thing any of us can do to wage peace in the world is to tend to our own pain, then, and perhaps only then, will we stop transmitting our pain onto others in damaging ways.
We are all natural love generators constructed as such straight from the factory of God’s own heart. When I catch myself reacting in a way that is less than loving I try to pause and ask myself what it is that I am afraid of, because fear always messes up my factory settings.