February 6

Beloved of Good Shepherd Church,

Grace to you and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Good Shepherd is a refuge and a safe place because you make it so. The love you carry in your heart spills over when you come here, thus everyone else who comes through our doors is safe to be themselves in an environment that is distinctly non-judgmental, uniquely loving, and full of people who want to go deeper on the spiritual journey. Julian of Norwich wrote this line hundreds of years ago, “While we may sometimes feel anger, disagreement, and strife within and amongst ourselves, we are always mercifully enfolded in God’s gentleness, kindness, and humble accessibility.” Good Shepherd is a place on the planet where the gentleness of God is made known through your accepting love. The world may seem to fall apart in ways both large and small, but God’s love will never fall apart or fail you. The only place you ever are is in the arms of God. That is the truth, and it is Good News! Thank you so much for making Good Shepherd the safe, nurturing, and love-drenched place it is for all of us who long for such safety.

Remember this always - God loves you, and I love you too!

Love is all, 



February 13


January 30