The First Dwelling│Mansions of Humility

  1. The soul is like a castle of clear crystal

  2. It has a center where you and God are one

  3. The entry door to the castle is prayer and meditation

  4. In the 1st dwelling we realize a desire not to offend God; a desire to be on the path

  5. We also realize the need for self reflection (mirror) and humility

  6. Without humility all is lost

  7. Don’t get stuck in the mud of self pity (reminds me of Etty Hillesum)

  8. Lookout for reptiles - character defects

  9. All rules lead to love for God and neighbor (reminds me of Romans 8)

  10. Still immersed in the “world of things and distracted by many attachments”

  11. Our zeal can be misguided

  12. Don’t take your neighbors inventory, beware of gossip

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

The Second Dwelling│Mansions of the Practice of Prayer


Teresa’s List of Most Important Things