Vestry Goals

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Vestry/Rector Tasks

Ensure that the church has the resources to do ministry.

Ensure congruence of ministry with core values and mission.

+ Establish and strengthen relationships with each other in the understanding that the body of the congregation is the “temple of God.” 1 Corinthians 3   

2025 Vestry Goals

1. Support Good Shepherd’s end of the decade target: Every Member Engaged (2030).

  1. Create a culture and related programs and activities that promote active participation opportunities for all GS members

  2. Analyze current data on program offerings and activities (frequency, participation, demographics, direct costs, trends etc.) 

  3. Develop an engagement survey questionnaire to determine: 1) level of awareness of engagement opportunities; 2) identification of perceived gaps/ opportunities; 3) identification of those activities that are of low impact and could be combined or discontinued; 4) identification of those activities that should be replicated or expanded. 

  4. Utilizing data from (a) and (b) above, develop a multi-year plan with specific targets and action steps

2. Secure a “go/no go” determination to advance the Three Question Plan regarding the construction of a Parish Hall on or before Easter (April 20).

  1. Do we build?

  2. If yes, what design?

  3. What is the funding strategy?

3. Hold an annual Spiritual Retreat for Vestry members.

4. Continue to maintain and monitor congruence with our church’s 5 Core Values in our work as a vestry.

In December of 2025 we will engage in a Review/reflection on our journey with our goals for the year.

2024 Vestry Members

Area of Focus

Class of 2025

Liz Hinz│Vestry Clerk

Rebecca Mercer│ Youth and Newcomers  

Wendy Van Meter│ Strategic Planning

Scott Johnson│ Liturgy     

Abe Mashni│ Senior Warden

Class of 2026

Beth Bell Brown│Junior Warden

Randolph Morris│Outreach

Brenda Owen│Outreach

Sam Razor│Technology Engagement

Hannah Williams│Children + Guild of the Christ Child

Class of 2027

Taylor Ballinger

Fred Downs

Paul Kowalski

Ann Plummer

Alice Rogers