Book Two: Night of the Spirit│Chapter 18

  1. The exalted will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted

  2. Prosperity is followed by tribulation

  3. Contemplation involves continual ups and downs until peace arrives

  4. The ladder of secret wisdom leads to perfect stillness in God.  Love of god and disregard of self are characteristic of the soul here.

  5. The ascent up the ladder happens in secret and comes as a gift while the soul is asleep.  She would not go for self annihilation and any consolations she could perceive would simply be something to attach to

  6. Secret contemplation is infused by God into the soul outside of her awareness

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

Book Two: Night of the Spirit│Chapter 19


Book Two: Night of the Spirit│Chapter 17