Chapter 2

  1. The beginner develops a secret pride b/c their prayer life is fruitful.

  2. They see the speck in their neighbor’s eye but not the log in their own

  3. They don’t take suggestions or advice well and instead are eager for others to take notice of them

  4. They confess their sins in the most favorable light so as to appear better than they actually are, thus they do not receive the full benefit of confession which is to see one’s own faults clearly

  5. When they are not minimizing their faults they are becoming overly grieved by them

  6. They want God to remove their faults so that they can have personal peace rather than so that their will and God’s be aligned.

  7. They dislike praising anyone else

  8. Souls who have advanced out of the beginner stage are different; they receive great benefit from their humility.  The possess holy envy which means they genuinely and sincerely believe that others are better than they are and want to emulate their good deeds.

  9. These souls want to be taught and are always looking for a teacher

  10. They rejoice when others receive praise

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

Chapter 3


Chapter 1