Chapter 1

  1. One enters the dark night when God begins to move them on from the state of beginners

  2. The dark night is a state one passes through on the way to union with God.

  3. One need not be too discouraged as the suffering of the dark night is a necessary suffering in which the soul is strengthened.

  4. In the early stages of our spiritual journey consolations come from God in our prayer life rather easily like a mother nursing a child

  5. What follows is some of the imperfections of beginners

  6. The beginner prays and does other spiritual practices in order to receive the consolations

  7. The dark night weans the soul off of these consolations

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

We are a community of pilgrims, seeking our home in the heart of our Creator. Everyone who wants to join us on this holy pilgrimage with Christ, or any portion of the journey, is welcome to receive nurture here.

Chapter 2


‘Dark Night of the Soul’ Overview